1-855-224-3206 [email protected]

Onsite & Industrial Waste Disposal Services

Our onsite waste disposal services can provide additional full or part time personnel to supplement your team and help you collect, consolidate, monitor and inspect your hazardous waste storage area’s and waste collection tanks. 

Scroll down to read more about our services.

What we do

Lab Pack


Demolition & Remediation

Tank & Pit Cleaning

Chemical/Lab Moves

Get a Quote For Your Project

Pacific NW Onsite & Industrial Waste Disposal Services Made Easy

Onsite & industrial waste disposal services. We offer lab packs, inspections, demolition and remediation, tank and pit cleaning and chemical/lab moves in the Pacific NW.

We also perform work events that require confined space entries, power washing and heavy equipment.

We have the operators, technicians and project managers that can assist you with all your project needs. Additionally, we can perform both onsite and off-site equipment decontamination for our high-tech or space critical clients.

Lab Pack

We can package small containers of lab, off-spec. and unused chemicals from 1 ounce up to 5 gallons. We manage cyanide, reactives, perform hazcats and high haz opening and deactivations as needed.


Assist in setting up hazardous waste collection and storage area. Perform compliance walk throughs looking for possible violations, areas of improvement and best practices.

Demolition & Remediation

Building and equipment demolition, decontamination, and recyclables separation. We remediate contaminated soils from small spills to major site, excavating, disposing and backfilling.

Tank & Pit Cleaning

Confined space entry tank cleaning, line flushing, pit/sump power washing and pumping. We manage flammable and toxic environments, lock out tag out, tool and equipment decon and more.

Chemical/Lab Moves

Moving locations or changing buildings? We can safely package and transport your chemicals for you.

Industries we serve:

All Large to Small Generators of Waste

  • Aerospace
  • Manufacturing & Industrial
  • Chemical Production & Distribution
  • Pharmaceutical & Laboratory
  • High Tech
  • Retail
  • Education
  • Commercial Property
  • Construction Materials

Areas We Serve

map of areas served by wastexpress - seattle, portland, boise
map of areas served by wastexpress - seattle, portland, boise

Contact WasteXpress

11615 North Lombard Street, Portland, OR 97203

8311 Durango St SW Tacoma, WA 98499

720 S Kit Ave Caldwell, ID 83605
